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Study smarter with Lotus

Master the SSAT, ISEE, or SAT with the most effective learning system ever devised

Lotus Prep graduates have used their scores to get into the most highly selective schools in the country

Harvard Yale Princeton Columbia
Penn Duke Cornell Georgetown

Studies show: tutoring is the most
effective teaching method on the planet

New York Times

“In a 1984 paper that is regarded as a classic of educational psychology, Benjamin Bloom, a professor at the University of Chicago, showed that being tutored is the most effective way to learn, vastly superior to being taught in a classroom.
“Bloom randomly assigned 4th-, 5th- and 8th-grade students to classes of about 30 pupils per teacher, or to one-on-one tutoring. The average tutored student outperformed 98 percent of the classroom-taught students. That's two standard deviations better — a huge difference.
Annie Murphy Paul

Annie Murphy Paul The New York Times

How the scientifically-proven method works

Learning Assessment
We assess your learning style and academic strengths and weaknesses.

We match you with the best private in-home tutor for your learning style.

Custom Learning Plan
We give you a real test under timed conditions. Your tutor uses this diagnostic to create a custom learning plan based on the types of problems that gave you the most trouble. The custom learning plan is sequenced to assure you will see dramatic results.

You begin effective, focused lessons to increase your scores and get into top schools.